White Sapphire (Safed Pukhraj)

What is the price of a White Sapphire (Safed Pukhraj) gemstone


What is the Price of a White Sapphire (Safed Pukhraj) Gemstone? A Complete Guide

White Sapphire, also known as Safed Pukhraj in Vedic astrology, is a stunning and durable gemstone associated with the planet Venus (Shukra). Revered for its brilliance and clarity, White Sapphire is often used as a more affordable alternative to diamonds. It is believed to bring prosperity, enhance relationships, and promote success. Whether you’re purchasing a White Sapphire for its astrological benefits or as a dazzling piece of jewelry, understanding its price is essential.

In this guide, we’ll break down the key factors that influence the price of White Sapphire gemstones and what you can expect to pay depending on quality, size, and origin.

Factors That Affect the Price of a White Sapphire (Safed Pukhraj) Gemstone

Several factors play a role in determining the price of a White Sapphire gemstone. These include:

  1. Color: Although White Sapphire is generally colorless, some stones may have slight tints. The most valuable White Sapphires are completely transparent and free from any visible coloration. Any noticeable yellow or brownish hue can lower the stone’s value.

  2. Clarity: Like most gemstones, the clarity of White Sapphire is crucial in determining its value. Stones with fewer inclusions (internal flaws) and a high degree of transparency command higher prices. Eye-clean White Sapphires with minimal inclusions are considered top-tier.

  3. Cut: A well-cut White Sapphire that maximizes light reflection and brilliance is more valuable. The cut plays a crucial role in how the stone reflects light, and a superior cut can enhance the stone’s appearance significantly.

  4. Carat Weight: As with other gemstones, the price of White Sapphire increases with size. Larger, high-quality stones are rarer and, therefore, more expensive.

  5. Origin: White Sapphires are sourced from several regions, including Sri Lanka (Ceylon), Madagascar, and Thailand. Sri Lankan White Sapphires are often considered the best in terms of quality, clarity, and brilliance, which affects their price.

  6. Treatment: Many White Sapphires undergo treatments such as heat treatment to enhance their clarity and color. Natural, untreated White Sapphires are more valuable, especially for astrological purposes.

Price Range of White Sapphire (Safed Pukhraj) Gemstones

The price of White Sapphire gemstones can vary greatly depending on the factors mentioned above. Below is a general price range based on origin, clarity, and size.

1. Sri Lankan (Ceylon) White Sapphire : Buy at  Vedic Crystals website 

Sri Lankan White Sapphires are known for their exceptional quality, clarity, and brilliance. They are often considered the highest quality in the market and command premium prices.

  • Price Range: $300 to $5,000 per carat (₹22,500 to ₹3,75,000 per carat)
  • Factors Influencing Price: Eye-clean clarity, superior cut, and larger sizes significantly increase the price.

2. Madagascar White Sapphire : Buy at  Vedic Crystals website 

Madagascar White Sapphires are also highly valued for their clarity and brilliance but are generally more affordable than Sri Lankan stones. They are known for their beautiful sparkle and good clarity.

  • Price Range: $200 to $3,000 per carat (₹15,000 to ₹2,25,000 per carat)
  • Factors Influencing Price: Higher clarity and larger sizes command premium prices.

3. Thai White Sapphire : Buy at  Vedic Crystals website 

Thai White Sapphires tend to be more affordable but may have more inclusions or slight color tints compared to those from Sri Lanka and Madagascar. They are still a popular choice for jewelry and astrological purposes.

  • Price Range: $100 to $1,500 per carat (₹7,500 to ₹1,12,500 per carat)
  • Factors Influencing Price: Clean stones with better transparency are priced higher.

White Sapphire Pricing by Carat Weight

The size of a White Sapphire significantly impacts its price. Larger stones are rarer and more valuable, especially when they have high clarity and brilliance. Below is a rough breakdown of White Sapphire prices by carat weight:

  • Up to 1 Carat: Prices typically range from $100 to $1,000 per carat (₹7,500 to ₹75,000 per carat).
  • 1 to 3 Carats: Prices range from $300 to $3,000 per carat (₹22,500 to ₹2,25,000 per carat).
  • Over 3 Carats: Larger White Sapphires, especially those with top clarity, can command prices upwards of $5,000 per carat (₹3,75,000 per carat) or more.

How to Choose the Right White Sapphire for Your Budget

Choosing the right White Sapphire depends on your budget and what qualities you prioritize. Here are some tips for making the best purchase:

  • Prioritize Clarity: A White Sapphire with high clarity and minimal inclusions is more valuable and desirable, particularly for astrological purposes.
  • Focus on Cut: A well-cut White Sapphire enhances its brilliance and overall appearance. Investing in a good cut is often more important than carat size.
  • Buy Certified Stones: Always buy White Sapphires with a certificate from a reputable gemological lab to ensure authenticity and quality.

Untreated vs. Treated White Sapphire: What’s the Difference?

Many White Sapphires undergo heat treatment to improve their clarity and appearance. However, untreated, natural White Sapphires are far rarer and more valuable. Here’s how their prices compare:

  • Treated White Sapphires: $100 to $2,000 per carat (₹7,500 to ₹1,50,000 per carat)
  • Untreated White Sapphires: $500 to $5,000 per carat (₹37,500 to ₹3,75,000 per carat)

If you’re buying a White Sapphire for astrological reasons, it’s recommended to choose an untreated stone, as these are believed to have stronger metaphysical properties.


The price of a White Sapphire (Safed Pukhraj) gemstone can vary depending on factors such as clarity, cut, carat weight, and whether it has been treated. Whether you're purchasing a White Sapphire for its astrological benefits or to add to your jewelry collection, understanding these elements will help you make an informed decision.

At Vedic Crystals, we offer a wide selection of natural and certified White Sapphires to suit every budget and requirement. Explore our collection today to find the perfect White Sapphire gemstone for you.

Buy authentic White Sapphire (Safed Pukhraj) at Vedic Crystals website

For more information about Vedic Crystals and our range of gemstones and rudraksha beads, visit Vedic Crystals website or contact us at contactus@vediccrystals.com/ or click here to chat 

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