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Alexandrite Stone: The Ultimate Guide to This Rare and Magical Gem

Alexandrite is a unique and rare gemstone known for its mesmerizing color-changing properties. Discovered in the 19th century, it has captured the fascination of gem collectors and jewelry enthusiasts alike. This guide will delve deep into everything about Alexandrite, from its origin and characteristics to its astrological significance and how to identify genuine stones.

What is Alexandrite?

Alexandrite is a rare variety of the mineral chrysoberyl that exhibits a striking phenomenon called color change. This stone can shift from a greenish-blue color in daylight to a reddish-purple or raspberry hue under incandescent light. This color-changing effect is due to the way Alexandrite absorbs light across different parts of the spectrum, making it one of the most extraordinary gemstones in the world.

First discovered in Russia’s Ural Mountains in the early 1830s, Alexandrite was named after the future Russian Tsar Alexander II. Since then, it has become one of the most highly prized and sought-after gemstones due to its rarity and captivating appearance.

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Characteristics of Alexandrite

  1. Color Change: The hallmark feature of Alexandrite is its ability to change color depending on the light source. In natural daylight, it typically appears green, bluish-green, or emerald green. Under incandescent light, it shifts to shades of red, purplish-red, or raspberry. The more dramatic the color change, the higher the value of the stone.
  2. Hardness: Alexandrite is a durable gemstone, scoring an 8.5 on the Mohs scale. This makes it suitable for everyday wear in various types of jewelry, including rings and bracelets.
  3. Clarity: Alexandrite often contains few inclusions, but high-quality stones are relatively transparent with a clean appearance. The presence of inclusions, however, can sometimes create a desirable “cat’s eye” effect, known as chatoyancy, which is also valued by collectors.
  4. Cut and Shape: Alexandrite is typically cut into round, oval, cushion, or emerald shapes to maximize its color change effect. A good cut can enhance the stone’s brilliance and make the color shift more noticeable.
  5. Origin: While originally discovered in Russia, Alexandrite is also found in other locations such as Brazil, Sri Lanka, and East Africa. Russian Alexandrite is considered the most valuable due to its rich history and striking color change.

History of Alexandrite

Alexandrite was first discovered in the Ural Mountains of Russia in the 1830s. It was initially mistaken for emerald due to its green color in daylight. However, its remarkable color change in different lighting quickly distinguished it from other gemstones. The stone was named after the Russian Tsar Alexander II and became a symbol of the Russian aristocracy.

The Russian mines are now nearly depleted, which has made natural Russian Alexandrite incredibly rare and valuable. Modern sources include Brazil, Sri Lanka, and Tanzania, but none of these have produced stones that match the intense color change of the original Russian Alexandrite.

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Astrological Significance of Alexandrite

In Vedic and Western astrology, Alexandrite is believed to have powerful metaphysical properties. It is associated with the planet Mercury, which governs intellect, communication, and creativity.

Benefits of Wearing Alexandrite:

  1. Enhances Intuition: Alexandrite is thought to sharpen intuition and boost psychic abilities. It helps the wearer make clearer decisions and enhances creativity.
  2. Emotional Balance: The stone’s color change symbolizes transformation, making it a powerful tool for emotional healing and self-reflection. It helps in balancing emotions and instilling inner peace.
  3. Prosperity and Success: Alexandrite is believed to attract wealth and success in personal and professional life. It is often recommended for those who wish to bring good luck and fortune into their endeavors.
  4. Healing Properties: Alexandrite is also known to have physical healing properties. It is believed to help with issues related to the nervous system, spleen, and pancreas. It’s also thought to aid in detoxification and regeneration.
  5. Birthstone for June: Alexandrite, along with Pearl and Moonstone, is one of the birthstones for June. It is particularly beneficial for those born under Gemini or Cancer.

How to Identify a Real Alexandrite Stone

Due to its rarity, genuine Alexandrite can be difficult to find, and many synthetic or treated stones are often sold in its place. Here’s how to identify a real Alexandrite stone:

  1. Color Change: The most distinctive feature of Alexandrite is its ability to change color. A real Alexandrite will show a noticeable shift from greenish-blue in daylight to reddish-purple in incandescent light. Stones that do not exhibit this clear color change are likely imitations or other types of chrysoberyl.
  2. Origin Certification: Authentic Alexandrite stones should come with certification from a reputable gemological lab, such as GIA (Gemological Institute of America) or IGI (International Gemological Institute), confirming the gemstone’s origin and natural color-change properties.
  3. Hardness Test: Alexandrite is fairly hard, scoring 8.5 on the Mohs scale. If a stone scratches easily, it’s likely not real Alexandrite.
  4. Inclusions: While many Alexandrite stones are relatively clear, some inclusions may appear under magnification. Stones that exhibit chatoyancy (cat's eye effect) are more valuable but still natural.
  5. Price: Due to its rarity, Alexandrite is expensive. Prices can range from $10,000 to $50,000 per carat for high-quality stones with a strong color change. Be wary of any stone sold at a significantly lower price, as it may be synthetic.

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Types of Alexandrite

  1. Natural Alexandrite: Found in Russia, Brazil, Sri Lanka, and East Africa, natural Alexandrite is extremely rare and valuable. Russian Alexandrite is considered the finest, but Brazilian and African stones are also highly prized.
  2. Synthetic Alexandrite: Created in laboratories, synthetic Alexandrite mimics the color change properties of natural Alexandrite but lacks the same historical value. Though less expensive, synthetic stones are often sold as natural, so it’s important to verify authenticity.
  3. Treated Alexandrite: Some stones undergo treatments to enhance their color or clarity. While treated Alexandrite may offer a more affordable option, untreated natural stones are always more valuable.

Pricing of Alexandrite

The value of Alexandrite depends on several factors, including color change, size, clarity, and origin. Here’s a breakdown of pricing:

  • Small Alexandrite Stones (under 1 carat): Prices typically start at $1,500 per carat but can go much higher depending on quality.
  • Medium-Sized Stones (1-3 carats): Prices can range from $5,000 to $20,000 per carat for high-quality stones with a dramatic color change.
  • Large Alexandrite Stones (3+ carats): Due to their extreme rarity, larger stones can sell for $20,000 to $50,000 per carat or more.

Russian Alexandrite, due to its historical significance and superior color change, often commands a premium price.

How to Care for Alexandrite

Alexandrite is a durable gemstone, but proper care is essential to maintain its beauty and value over time:

  1. Cleaning: Use warm, soapy water and a soft brush to clean Alexandrite. Avoid using harsh chemicals or ultrasonic cleaners, which can damage the stone.
  2. Storage: Store Alexandrite jewelry in a soft pouch or a separate compartment in your jewelry box to prevent scratching.
  3. Avoid Extreme Temperatures: Alexandrite is sensitive to sudden changes in temperature. Keep it away from heat sources and avoid wearing it in environments where it may be exposed to extreme cold or heat.

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Famous Alexandrite Stones

  1. The Russian Imperial Collection: Some of the most famous Alexandrite stones were part of the Russian Imperial family's jewels. These historical stones are now either in museums or part of private collections.
  2. The Smithsonian Institution’s Alexandrite: The Smithsonian in Washington, D.C., houses one of the largest and most exquisite Alexandrites in the world, weighing 65.7 carats.


Alexandrite is a gemstone like no other, renowned for its rare color-changing ability and deep historical roots. Whether you are a collector, investor, or simply someone enchanted by its magical properties, owning an Alexandrite is an opportunity to experience one of nature’s true wonders. With its rarity, beauty, and metaphysical significance, Alexandrite is a gemstone that captivates and intrigues all who encounter it.

When purchasing Alexandrite, ensure you buy from reputable sources, ask for certifications, and verify its natural origin and color-change properties. This will ensure that you are investing in a genuine and valuable piece.

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