Probably the most comprehensive list of gemstones names on internet

Comprehensive list of gemstones and their benefits

Probably the most comprehensive list of gemstones names on internet. By any chance if you find any gemstone missing please comment below. Also you can buy most of these / ask for quotes at Vedic Crystals 

Total gemstones : 386

Gemstone Color Astrological Benefits
Diamond Clear, white Enhances clarity, wealth, and protection.
Ruby Red Promotes passion, energy, and vitality.
Sapphire Blue Brings wisdom, protection, and spiritual insight.
Emerald Green Enhances love, prosperity, and emotional balance.
Amethyst Purple Promotes calm, spiritual growth, and healing.
Topaz Yellow, blue Attracts wealth, joy, and good health.
Aquamarine Blue, green Encourages calm, courage, and communication.
Garnet Red Increases energy, protection, and love.
Peridot Green Brings prosperity, emotional balance, and healing.
Opal Multi-colored Enhances creativity, love, and passion.
Turquoise Blue, green Provides protection, healing, and communication.
Citrine Yellow Attracts wealth, success, and positivity.
Pearl White, pink Promotes purity, calm, and emotional balance.
Moonstone White, blue Enhances intuition, emotional healing, and protection.
Onyx Black Provides protection, strength, and grounding.
Lapis Lazuli Blue Encourages wisdom, truth, and spiritual growth.
Jade Green Attracts prosperity, health, and emotional balance.
Amber Yellow, orange Promotes healing, protection, and cleansing.
Tanzanite Blue, purple Enhances spiritual growth, protection, and healing.
Zircon Clear, various Brings clarity, wealth, and protection.
Spinel Red, black Promotes energy, protection, and emotional healing.
Malachite Green Provides protection, transformation, and emotional balance.
Tourmaline Various Enhances protection, healing, and emotional balance.
Alexandrite Color-changing Promotes intuition, balance, and transformation.
Bloodstone Green, red Encourages healing, strength, and protection.
Carnelian Orange, red Enhances energy, creativity, and courage.
Chrysoprase Green Promotes emotional healing, love, and prosperity.
Coral Red, pink Provides protection, strength, and emotional healing.
Fluorite Various Enhances clarity, protection, and spiritual growth.
Kyanite Blue, green Promotes communication, spiritual growth, and protection.
Labradorite Blue, green Encourages transformation, protection, and intuition.
Larimar Blue Promotes calm, healing, and spiritual growth.
Morganite Pink Enhances love, emotional healing, and compassion.
Obsidian Black Provides protection, grounding, and emotional release.
Rhodochrosite Pink, red Promotes love, emotional healing, and balance.
Smoky Quartz Brown, black Provides grounding, protection, and emotional healing.
Sunstone Orange, red Enhances joy, creativity, and protection.
Tiger's Eye Brown, gold Encourages protection, courage, and grounding.
Variscite Green Promotes emotional healing, prosperity, and clarity.
Amazonite Green, blue Enhances clarity, communication, and emotional balance.
Andalusite Brown, green Promotes protection, balance, and grounding.
Apatite Blue, green Encourages communication, spiritual growth, and clarity.
Ametrine Purple, yellow Combines the properties of amethyst and citrine, enhancing clarity and balance.
Aventurine Green, blue Promotes prosperity, emotional healing, and protection.
Benitoite Blue Enhances clarity, harmony, and promotes communication.
Beryl Green, blue Encourages love, emotional healing, and spiritual growth.
Chrysocolla Green, blue Enhances communication, emotional balance, and healing.
Danburite Clear, pink Promotes spiritual growth, clarity, and emotional healing.
Diopside Green, black Enhances healing, protection, and emotional balance.
Dumortierite Blue, pink Promotes emotional healing, clarity, and spiritual growth.
Grossular Garnet Green, brown Promotes prosperity, vitality, and emotional healing.
Hematite Black, red Provides grounding, protection, and emotional healing.
Hiddenite Green Enhances love, emotional healing, and prosperity.
Iolite Blue, violet Promotes intuition, spiritual growth, and clarity.
Jet Black Provides protection, grounding, and emotional healing.
Kunzite Pink, violet Enhances love, emotional healing, and spiritual growth.
Moldavite Green Promotes transformation, spiritual growth, and protection.
Prehnite Green Encourages healing, protection, and emotional balance.
Pyrite Gold Attracts wealth, protection, and energy.
Rhodonite Pink, red Enhances love, emotional healing, and balance.
Sodalite Blue, white Promotes clarity, communication, and emotional balance.
Spessartite Garnet Orange, red Enhances creativity, vitality, and emotional healing.
Sugilite Purple, pink Promotes spiritual growth, love, and emotional healing.
Tsavorite Green Encourages prosperity, vitality, and emotional balance.
Unakite Green, pink Promotes emotional healing, balance, and grounding.
Wulfenite Orange, yellow Enhances creativity, transformation, and clarity.
Zoisite Green, pink Encourages transformation, healing, and emotional balance.
Adamite Yellow, green Promotes clarity, spiritual growth, and emotional healing.
Axinite Brown, violet Provides grounding, protection, and vitality.
Brazilianite Yellow, green Enhances clarity, spiritual growth, and emotional balance.
Cassiterite Black, brown Provides grounding, protection, and emotional healing.
Cerussite White, grey Enhances clarity, protection, and spiritual growth.
Crocoite Red, orange Promotes vitality, protection, and emotional balance.
Enstatite Brown, yellow Provides grounding, protection, and emotional balance.
Epidote Green, brown Enhances healing, protection, and emotional balance.
Euclase Blue, green Promotes clarity, spiritual growth, and emotional healing.
Hessonite Garnet Orange, brown Encourages protection, grounding, and emotional healing.
Legrandite Yellow, brown Enhances clarity, protection, and spiritual growth.
Actinolite Green, yellow Provides protection, enhances vision, and promotes emotional balance.
Aegirine Black, green Enhances protection, confidence, and energy alignment.
Agate Various Promotes stability, grounding, and emotional balance.
Andradite Garnet Green, yellow, brown Promotes strength, protection, and courage.
Angelite Blue, white Promotes peace, compassion, and spiritual awareness.
Apophyllite Clear, green Enhances intuition, spiritual growth, and brings clarity.
Aragonite Brown, yellow Provides grounding, stability, and emotional balance.
Astrophyllite Brown, gold Enhances self-awareness, spiritual growth, and transformation.
Auralite Purple, red Enhances spiritual growth, intuition, and healing.
Axinite-Magnesio Brown, violet Provides grounding, vitality, and promotes balance.
Azurite Blue Enhances psychic abilities, intuition, and spiritual awareness.
Bismuth Rainbow Promotes transformation, creativity, and emotional balance.
Black Obsidian Black Provides protection, grounding, and emotional release.
Blue Lace Agate Light blue Promotes calmness, communication, and emotional healing.
Boji Stone Brown, grey Provides grounding, protection, and energy balance.
Calcite Various Enhances energy flow, emotional healing, and clarity.
Celestite Blue, white Promotes peace, spiritual growth, and communication with the divine.
Chalcedony Blue, white Enhances communication, emotional balance, and harmony.
Chrysoberyl Yellow, green Promotes clarity, protection, and personal power.
Clinozoisite Green, yellow Enhances physical healing, growth, and emotional balance.
Dioptase Green Promotes emotional healing, compassion, and spiritual growth.
Fuchsite Green, blue Enhances emotional healing, protection, and personal growth.
Galena Silver, grey Provides grounding, protection, and spiritual growth.
Gaspeite Green Promotes emotional healing, protection, and prosperity.
Goshenite Clear, white Enhances clarity, spiritual growth, and emotional balance.
Green Calcite Green Promotes emotional healing, balance, and protection.
Halite White, pink Enhances purification, clarity, and emotional balance.
Heliodor Yellow Promotes clarity, protection, and prosperity.
Hemimorphite Blue, white Enhances spiritual growth, communication, and emotional healing.
Hypersthene Black, brown Provides grounding, protection, and emotional healing.
Indicolite Blue Promotes intuition, communication, and spiritual growth.
Infinite Stone Green, grey Enhances healing, protection, and emotional balance.
Jadeite Green Promotes prosperity, health, and emotional balance.
K2 Stone Blue, white Enhances spiritual growth, protection, and clarity.
Kambaba Jasper Green, black Provides grounding, protection, and emotional healing.
Meteorite Black, grey Enhances spiritual growth, protection, and transformation.
Muscovite Pink, white Promotes emotional healing, protection, and clarity.
Nephrite Jade Green Enhances protection, prosperity, and emotional balance.
Nuummite Black, gold Promotes protection, grounding, and spiritual growth.
Orpiment Yellow, orange Enhances creativity, clarity, and protection.
Petalite Clear, pink Promotes spiritual growth, protection, and emotional balance.
Phenacite Clear, white Enhances spiritual growth, clarity, and healing.
Pietersite Blue, gold Promotes transformation, spiritual growth, and emotional healing.
Quartz Clear Enhances clarity, healing, and energy amplification.
Rose Quartz Pink Promotes love, emotional healing, and compassion.
Selenite White, clear Enhances spiritual growth, protection, and clarity.
Serpentine Green Promotes healing, protection, and emotional balance.
Shungite Black Provides protection, grounding, and healing.
Stibnite Silver, grey Enhances transformation, protection, and spiritual growth.
Afghanite Blue, white Enhances spiritual awareness, emotional healing, and intuition.
Almandine Red, brown Promotes strength, grounding, and emotional stability.
Andalusite Cat's Eye Brown, green Provides protection, enhances vision, and promotes emotional balance.
Anglesite White, grey Enhances clarity, protection, and spiritual insight.
Ankerite Brown, yellow Promotes emotional healing, grounding, and stability.
Annabergite Green, yellow Enhances personal growth, emotional balance, and protection.
Anthracite Black, grey Provides grounding, protection, and emotional healing.
Apatite Cat's Eye Green, yellow Enhances clarity, protection, and spiritual growth.
Aquamarine Cat's Eye Blue, green Promotes emotional healing, clarity, and protection.
Aragonite Star Brown, yellow Enhances clarity, protection, and emotional healing.
Asparagus Stone Green, yellow Promotes growth, prosperity, and emotional balance.
Augelite White, clear Enhances clarity, spiritual growth, and emotional balance.
Aurichalcite Blue, green Promotes clarity, emotional healing, and protection.
Austinite White, yellow Enhances clarity, protection, and spiritual growth.
Axinite (Ferroan) Brown, yellow Provides grounding, protection, and promotes vitality.
Baryte White, grey Enhances clarity, protection, and emotional balance.
Bavenite White, clear Promotes spiritual growth, clarity, and emotional healing.
Benitoite Cat's Eye Blue, white Enhances clarity, spiritual growth, and protection.
Bertrandite White, pink Promotes emotional healing, protection, and spiritual growth.
Beyerite Yellow, brown Enhances clarity, protection, and emotional balance.
Bityite White, clear Promotes spiritual growth, protection, and clarity.
Boracite White, green Enhances personal growth, protection, and emotional healing.
Boulangerite Grey, black Provides grounding, protection, and promotes emotional balance.
Breunnerite Brown, yellow Promotes emotional healing, grounding, and stability.
Bromellite White, grey Enhances clarity, spiritual growth, and emotional balance.
Brucite White, clear Promotes spiritual growth, protection, and clarity.
Bustamite (Pyroxmangite) Red, pink Enhances love, emotional healing, and personal growth.
Bytownite White, yellow Promotes emotional healing, protection, and spiritual growth.
Cacoxenite Yellow, brown Enhances spiritual growth, clarity, and emotional balance.
Carletonite Blue, white Promotes emotional healing, protection, and clarity.
Carminite Red, brown Provides grounding, protection, and emotional healing.
Carpholite Yellow, brown Enhances spiritual growth, clarity, and emotional balance.
Cassiterite Black, brown Provides grounding, protection, and emotional healing.
Catapleiite White, grey Enhances clarity, spiritual growth, and emotional balance.
Celestine Blue, white Promotes emotional healing, protection, and spiritual growth.
Ceruleite Blue, white Enhances clarity, protection, and emotional balance.
Chabazite White, pink Promotes spiritual growth, protection, and emotional healing.
Chalcocite Black, grey Provides grounding, protection, and promotes emotional balance.
Chalcophanite Black, grey Enhances clarity, protection, and spiritual growth.
Chalcostibite Grey, black Promotes emotional healing, grounding, and stability.
Chloritoid Green, yellow Enhances personal growth, emotional balance, and protection.
Chromite Black, brown Provides grounding, protection, and promotes emotional healing.
Chrysocolla Chalcedony Blue, green Promotes emotional healing, protection, and spiritual growth.
Cinnabar Red, brown Enhances vitality, protection, and emotional balance.
Clinohedrite White, pink Promotes emotional healing, love, and personal growth.
Colusite Black, brown Provides grounding, protection, and emotional healing.
Conichalcite Green, yellow Enhances clarity, protection, and spiritual growth.
Copiapite Yellow, brown Promotes emotional healing, grounding, and stability.
Cornwallite Green, blue Enhances personal growth, emotional balance, and protection.
Covellite (Idaho) Blue, violet Promotes spiritual growth, clarity, and emotional healing.
Crednerite Black, grey Provides grounding, protection, and promotes emotional balance.
Cuprostibite Grey, black Enhances clarity, protection, and spiritual growth.
Cuspidine White, yellow Promotes emotional healing, protection, and clarity.
Dalnegorskite White, grey Enhances spiritual growth, clarity, and emotional balance.
Datolite (Connecticut) Green, white Promotes clarity, protection, and emotional healing.
Deftsonite Brown, yellow Provides grounding, protection, and promotes emotional balance.
Devonite Brown, yellow Enhances clarity, protection, and spiritual growth.
Digenite (Glaucodote) Blue, grey Promotes emotional healing, grounding, and stability.
Diopside (Violane) Green, white Enhances personal growth, emotional balance, and protection.
Dorrite Black, brown Provides grounding, protection, and emotional healing.
Dumortierite (Orange) Orange, pink Promotes spiritual growth, clarity, and emotional healing.
Eakerite White, grey Enhances clarity, protection, and emotional balance.
Ekanite Yellow, green Promotes spiritual growth, protection, and emotional healing.
Enstatite (Ortho) Brown, yellow Enhances personal growth, clarity, and emotional balance.
Epistolite White, yellow Promotes emotional healing, protection, and clarity.
Erythrite (Red) Red, pink Enhances love, emotional healing, and personal growth.
Euxenite Black, brown Provides grounding, protection, and emotional healing.
Fabianskiite Yellow, brown Promotes clarity, spiritual growth, and emotional balance.
Faujasite White, grey Enhances clarity, protection, and spiritual growth.
Feldspar (Perthite) White, pink Promotes spiritual growth, protection, and emotional healing.
Ferberite Black, brown Provides grounding, protection, and promotes emotional balance.
Ferrohornblende Brown, green Enhances personal growth, emotional balance, and protection.
Ferrospinel Black, brown Provides grounding, protection, and emotional healing.
Fluckite White, clear Enhances clarity, spiritual growth, and emotional balance.
Fluor-uvite Green, yellow Promotes emotional healing, protection, and spiritual growth.
Forsterite Green, yellow Enhances personal growth, clarity, and protection.
Frankamenite Yellow, green Promotes clarity, protection, and spiritual growth.
Fullerite Black, brown Provides grounding, protection, and emotional healing.
Garrelsite Yellow, brown Enhances clarity, spiritual growth, and emotional balance.
Gehlenite (Green) Green, yellow Promotes emotional healing, protection, and clarity.
Genthelvite Green, yellow Enhances personal growth, emotional balance, and protection.
Gismondine White, grey Provides grounding, protection, and emotional healing.
Glaucochroite Green, blue Promotes emotional healing, protection, and spiritual growth.
Goethite Brown, yellow Provides grounding, protection, and promotes emotional balance.
Goldmanite Green, yellow Enhances personal growth, emotional balance, and protection.
Grossular Garnet Green, brown Promotes prosperity, vitality, and emotional healing.
Guerinite White, yellow Enhances clarity, protection, and spiritual growth.
Gyrolite White, green Promotes emotional healing, protection, and clarity.
Haggertyite Black, brown Provides grounding, protection, and promotes emotional healing.
Hastingsite Green, black Enhances personal growth, emotional balance, and protection.
Hatrurite White, clear Promotes clarity, spiritual growth, and emotional balance.
Hausmannite Black, brown Provides grounding, protection, and promotes emotional healing.
Hedenbergite Green, black Enhances personal growth, emotional balance, and protection.
Helvine Yellow, brown Promotes clarity, protection, and spiritual growth.
Henritermierite Red, brown Provides grounding, protection, and promotes emotional healing.
Herderite Yellow, green Enhances personal growth, emotional balance, and protection.
Hisingerite Black, brown Provides grounding, protection, and promotes emotional healing.
Holtite Yellow, brown Promotes clarity, spiritual growth, and emotional balance.
Horneblende Green, black Enhances personal growth, emotional balance, and protection.
Howlite (Green) Green, white Promotes calmness, emotional healing, and reduces stress.
Huebnerite (Red) Red, brown Promotes vitality, protection, and emotional balance.
Hureaulite (Pink) Pink, red Enhances love, emotional healing, and personal growth.
Hyalite Clear, white Enhances clarity, spiritual growth, and emotional balance.
Hypersthene (Brown) Brown, black Provides grounding, protection, and emotional healing.
Ichnusaite Yellow, brown Promotes clarity, protection, and spiritual growth.
Ilmenite (Black) Black, grey Provides grounding, protection, and promotes emotional balance.
Inyoite White, clear Enhances clarity, spiritual growth, and emotional balance.
Iodargyrite Yellow, white Promotes emotional healing, protection, and clarity.
Iserite Black, brown Provides grounding, protection, and promotes emotional healing.
Jakobsite Black, brown Enhances personal growth, emotional balance, and protection.
Jasmundite Green, yellow Promotes clarity, protection, and spiritual growth.
Jervisite Black, brown Provides grounding, protection, and promotes emotional healing.
Jiangite Yellow, green Enhances personal growth, emotional balance, and protection.
Johannite Yellow, green Promotes clarity, protection, and spiritual growth.
Kainosite White, yellow Enhances spiritual growth, protection, and clarity.
Kalsilite White, clear Promotes clarity, emotional healing, and protection.
Kettnerite White, yellow Enhances clarity, spiritual growth, and emotional balance.
Kiddcreekite Yellow, brown Promotes emotional healing, protection, and grounding.
Killinite Green, yellow Enhances personal growth, protection, and emotional balance.
Kleinite Yellow, brown Promotes clarity, spiritual growth, and protection.
Knebelite Brown, black Provides grounding, protection, and promotes emotional healing.
Koettigite Red, brown Enhances vitality, protection, and emotional healing.
Kurnakovite (White) White, clear Enhances clarity, spiritual growth, and emotional balance.
Kyuygenite Yellow, brown Promotes clarity, protection, and spiritual growth.
Labradorite (White) White, clear Enhances protection, transformation, and spiritual growth.
Lagunite Green, yellow Promotes emotional healing, protection, and clarity.
Langbanite Black, brown Provides grounding, protection, and promotes emotional healing.
Langite Blue, green Enhances personal growth, emotional balance, and protection.
Lapparentite Yellow, brown Promotes clarity, protection, and spiritual growth.
Lasalite Yellow, brown Enhances clarity, protection, and emotional balance.
Laurelite Yellow, green Promotes emotional healing, protection, and personal growth.
Lavendulan Blue, violet Enhances spiritual growth, clarity, and emotional healing.
Lawsonite (White) White, clear Promotes clarity, spiritual growth, and emotional balance.
Lazarite Blue, white Enhances clarity, protection, and spiritual growth.
Leadhillite White, yellow Promotes emotional healing, protection, and clarity.
Legrandite (Yellow) Yellow, green Enhances clarity, protection, and spiritual growth.
Lepidolite (Brown) Brown, yellow Provides grounding, protection, and promotes emotional healing.
Leuchtenbergite Yellow, brown Enhances personal growth, emotional balance, and protection.
Lewisite Green, yellow Promotes clarity, protection, and spiritual growth.
Lilianite Black, brown Provides grounding, protection, and promotes emotional healing.
Lindackerite Green, yellow Enhances personal growth, emotional balance, and protection.
Lingyanite Green, brown Promotes clarity, protection, and spiritual growth.
Linnaeite Black, brown Provides grounding, protection, and promotes emotional healing.
Linarite Blue, green Enhances personal growth, emotional balance, and protection.
Linusite Yellow, brown Promotes clarity, spiritual growth, and emotional balance.
Litidionite Yellow, brown Enhances clarity, protection, and emotional balance.
Ljubarskite Yellow, brown Promotes clarity, protection, and spiritual growth.
Lizardite Green, yellow Enhances personal growth, emotional balance, and protection.
Lombardite Green, yellow Provides grounding, protection, and promotes emotional healing.
Lovozerite Green, brown Promotes clarity, protection, and spiritual growth.
Ludlamite Green, yellow Enhances personal growth, emotional balance, and protection.
Lyttonite Yellow, brown Provides grounding, protection, and promotes emotional healing.
Magnetite (Lodestone) Black, grey Enhances protection, grounding, and attraction.
Malachite (Fibrous) Green Promotes transformation, protection, and emotional balance.
Manganite Black, grey Provides grounding, protection, and promotes emotional healing.
Marcasite (White) White, yellow Enhances clarity, protection, and emotional balance.
Margarite White, pink Promotes emotional healing, love, and personal growth.
Marialite White, yellow Enhances clarity, protection, and spiritual growth.
Massicot Yellow, brown Promotes emotional healing, protection, and clarity.
Matlockite Yellow, white Enhances clarity, spiritual growth, and emotional balance.
Meionite (Green) Green, yellow Promotes emotional healing, protection, and personal growth.
Melanterite Green, yellow Enhances personal growth, emotional balance, and protection.
Mendipite Yellow, brown Provides grounding, protection, and promotes emotional healing.
Merlinite (White) White, clear Enhances spiritual growth, transformation, and protection.
Merrihueite Black, brown Promotes clarity, protection, and emotional balance.


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